If a Creek Could Talk

Have you ever wanted a fresh start?

A new lease on life?

A way to leave the past behind and breathe in the air of new beginnings?

We’ve all heard the saying “If these walls could talk”. A tried-and-true expression meant to exercise our imagination on how inanimate objects such as a wall have been timeless placeholders for countless human events of interest to the likes of which we, only given this one life on earth, could only dream of experiencing.

A restatement of that very saying which has crossed my mind many times is “If this creek could talk”. Would it be talking about the good ole days where it could stretch its banks across an open valley as the morning sun would rise to greet its waters? Would it brag about its beautiful, braided channels and islands it once boasted in the open air? Or would it weep and commiserate on what it once was and what it now has become? Would it sound sickly, frail, and disillusioned with how the world around it has grown to be? Would it sound lonely, longing for the company and festivity of all its riparian flora and fauna it once hosted? Or would it just be downright angry?

There is no question we as a society have had our part and played an important role in making creeks feel many wide ranges of emotions…. if they could feel at all. We channelize, we underground, we eliminate, we divert, and we find all sorts of creative ways to modify a natural feature such as a creek to fit our modern lifestyle. Go take a walk along a creek trail in your area.

But even after all these shortcomings and limitations we have placed on the natural landscape, what if we had a chance at redemption? What if we could provide that fresh start to a lost creek? This is exactly what the City of Santa Rosa and their Storm Water & Creeks team are attempting to accomplish with Colgan Creek. After applying and being awarded over 4 million dollars in federal, state, and local grants the dream has become a reality. The Lower Colgan Creek Restoration Project is broken into a three phased approach. Grant funds have been applied not only to do the restoration work and recontour the channel, but also to acquire the lands adjacent to the constricted waterway to allow for widening the creek from a 25-year flood capacity to a 100-year flood capacity.

Phase 1 was implemented in 2014 and restored over 2000 linear feet of creek. A once channelized and straightened creek, it has now been restored with meanders to improve sinuosity, cobble lined braided channels have been developed, in-stream topography is more diverse with deep pools and gravel riffles, woody structures were installed for aquatic habitat, and over 1000 native riparian plants have been installed along both banks. In the summer of 2021 Phase 2 of the project finally broke ground with much of the same restorative features of Phase 1 being implemented in this newest section.

It is well known that plants have the ability to remove bacteria and inorganics suspended in storm water runoff. Pathogens such as E. coli and Enterococcus can be filtered by riparian plants in the newly restored creek by intercepting flows and absorbing pollutants through their root structures. Inorganics such as nitrogen and phosphorous are also utilized by plant species which can help decrease chances of eutrophication downstream in the Laguna de Santa Rosa. Water quality parameters such as turbidity, total suspended solids and suspended sediment concentration can also improve greatly within a restored creek. With wide sweeping meanders and instream structures water velocity should decrease, allowing for much less sediment transport during high flow events. This should also decrease chances of channel incision and entrenchment, a chronic issue with channelized and straightened waterways. Cleaner water will greatly improve life cycle success for a multitude of aquatic species which call Colgan Creek their home.

An interpretive creek trail is being installed along the top of bank of all three phases to allow for residents to enjoy open space and experience the newly restored creek. This trail can also allow for citizens to better grasp how our streets are connected to our creeks, and how our actions or lifestyle choices can have a direct impact on the health of our waterways. As citizens gain better access to creeks, they may better understand how the drains in their backyard landscaping, or the gutters in front of their house, and the catch basins along the streets they use to commute to work each day are all really extensions of the City creek system. Together if we implement best management practices, we can have a direct impact on the health of our waterways. Resources such as www.streetstocreeks.org are always available to provide more information on how to best protect our natural resources which we value so dearly.

Once all three phases are constructed, Colgan Creek will have 1.3 miles of a newly restored waterway which will closer mimic how it once existed in the Santa Rosa plain years ago. You can currently visit the already constructed Phase 1 along Bellevue Avenue near Elsie Allen High School and walk the newly constructed interpretive creek trail. If you visit in the springtime with the trickling sound of water flowing, birds bustling making nests in the thriving willows planted years ago, and insects buzzing about in the native grasses, you might wonder to yourself…perhaps this is Colgan Creek saying, “thank you”. Of course, that is, if a creek could talk…

This article was authored by Aaron Nunez, Environmental Specialist, City of Santa Rosa, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.


Make a Move to Native and Drought Tolerant Plantings

This year is different. Historically low rainfall following a previously dry water year have tipped the balance of stored water within Lake Mendocino and water demand throughout the Russian River watershed. As water users in the upper Russian River continue to cut water usage, you may be wondering how we got here and how do we get out of this.

During the early summer of 2020, Sonoma Water, who manages the water storage in Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma, filed a temporary urgency change petition (TUCP) with the State Water Resource Control Board. A TUCP allows water right holders to temporarily change restrictions of their water rights. Once the State Water Board approved Sonoma Water’s TUCP, releases from Lake Mendocino were reduced to save stored water. This early action helped prepare the region for the lack of rain during the 2020/21 winter season.

The result of Sonoma Water’s efforts was to finish 2020 with roughly 29,000-acre feet of stored water.  Water storage as of October 1, 2021 is near 15,000-acre feet, roughly half of what we finished 2020 with, and we are not even to the end of the year. Good rainfall this winter will not lessen the need for conservation next summer.

For many municipalities and small community water systems along the Russian River, water use peaks during the summer months due to outdoor irrigation. When water rights up and down the Russian River were curtailed earlier this summer, indoor and outdoor water use needed to be reduced. Healdsburg was able to gain large reductions in water use by restricting outdoor water use and supplementing outdoor irrigation by hauling recycled water. Key to these efforts was focusing on irrigation of ornamental lawns, sometimes referred to as “non-function lawn areas.” Ornamental lawns use a tremendous amount of water, and their elimination is an immediate and effective option to reduce water use.

As we look forward and hope for a wet winter, we need to understand that, within the Russian River watershed, the cyclical transition from dry years to wet years and back again, is becoming more pronounced with climate change. This will be part of our long-term future. To prepare for future dry years we need to change how we use our supply of drinking water, especially how we irrigate our landscapes. To build drought resiliency and gain some consistency in our outdoor environment we need to move away from ornamental lawns and non-native plantings. We need to replace these water intensive landscapes with plantings that can survive during periods of limited irrigation. There is a lot of effort and cost put into landscapes each year. If those landscapes can tolerate our cyclical pattern of dry and wet years, that investment will be better protected in future years.

There are many free and widely available resources to help make a move to native and drought tolerant plantings. The Sonoma Marin Water Saving Water Partnership (www.savingwaterpartnership.org ) and the Sonoma County Master Gardeners (http://sonomamg.ucanr.edu) both offer great resources to start planning a replacement of water intensive landscapes.  If you’re concerned about the supply of water within the Russian River and you want to be less affected by reoccurring droughts and needed conservation, start the process to replace lawns and non-native landscapes.

This article was authored by Utilities Director, Terry Crowley, of the City of Healdsburg, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.


The Bioretention Geek

Ukiah, the city I work in, recently renovated the entire downtown area with new sidewalks, paved road, and all new trees with planter areas. In full transparency, I was involved in aspects of the planning of this project but not the design. When a co-worker of mine made a criticism regarding the new planters at all the street corners, I was excited to actually have some rare insight that I felt was useful in a nerdy sort of way. He complained that the contractor left the planter areas several inches too shallow and made an opening in the curb which will likely flood and dump garbage and dirty water around the new plants just put in. “Exactly the point!” was my response which only made him more confused, and as I presume, makes him not the only one. Let me geek out with you in a science meets nature sort of way.

Most cities and developers are required to reduce storm water pollution to our local waterways as well as promote groundwater recharge. This is all part of the program you may have heard about called Low Impact Development or LID. To accomplish this, many creative designs are integrated into major roadway projects and new developments such as the already mentioned bioretention planters or bioswales.

Bioretention planters are contained areas with walled vertical sides such as a sidewalk curb. These areas are typically a few feet deep with a thick filtration fabric surrounding the walled sides and a natural bottom which keeps water that enters the planter from travelling under adjacent roads or sidewalks but rather goes straight down to recharge the earth. The planter will then be filled with a specialized bioretention soil up to a level just below the gutter height to allow water to enter the area which makes the top of the soil typically 6-8” below the adjacent sidewalk. The design will carefully select a wide variety of plants for these bioretention areas that will stabilize the soil, remove pollutants through physical, biological, and chemical processes, and look aesthetically pleasing especially when surrounded by so much hardscape. These features can even have a positive impact for birds, butterflies, and bees by providing additional habitat and pollinator friendly plants. Stormwater is typically directed to the surface of the bioretention, and pollutants are filtered out as the runoff percolates vertically through the amended soil section. The plants help keep the amended soil section biologically active and help absorb and grab various pollutants before reaching the storm drain system or nearby waterbodies.

During heavy rains, some bioretention planters have a storm drainpipe installed in them with an inlet just above the soil level that will capture excess water that is unable to infiltrate into the soil so it doesn’t flood. The water that has entered or traveled through these bioretention planters has now been significantly cleaned and filtered to remove pollutants, trash and leaves and will keep them from entering or clogging up the storm drains which lead directly to your local creeks and lakes.

Planters can be installed nearly anywhere in the right-of-way, including in the sidewalk, in medians and pedestrian boulevards, or along the property line of residents or businesses. Although there are many new devices people much smarter than myself have invented that filter stormwater, the natural solution of having plants and soil filter the pollutants has typically come out on top as the most efficient. So, if you ever have the opportunity to observe a bioretention planter in the sidewalk and want to flex your knowledge to your friend who thinks it’s just a regular planter, go ahead and geek out.

This article was authored by Andrew Stricklin, Associate Engineer, City of Ukiah Public Works, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.

Enjoy pollinators in your garden, Avoid Neonics

Neonics is a common pesticide that is harmful to bees, butterflies, and other pollinators.

So, what are neonicotinoids?

Neonicotinoids (neonics for short) are one of the most commonly used pesticides for gardens. They are effective against harmful pests, easily applied and relatively safe for humans. However, what you may not know is that they are highly toxic to beneficial non‑targeted organisms such as pollinators, beneficial insects, birds, and other important organisms. No pesticide is risk free, even eco-friendly pesticides. However, neonics pose a greater risk because of their persistence and staying power within the environment.

Neonics are systemic pesticides, moving though all the plant’s tissue, accumulating in the leaves, the flower pollen and flower nectar. Neonics can be applied as soil drenches, foliar sprays, and tree injections. The most common for the home gardener are the soil drench products with the active ingredient of imidacloprid.  These pesticides persist in the plant for months, and even years once applied. They are commonly used on lawns to combat grubs and other lawn pests, on ornamental flowering plants, like roses & perennials to eliminate aphids and other flower pests, and for trees, including fruit trees.  These neonics not only kill the intended problem pest but are also directly linked to pollinator mortality.

Bees are extremely sensitive to these pesticides. The pesticide remains present in the pollen and nectar of the flowers. Foraging bees are exposed, which impairs their ability to navigate and damages their immune systems.  Bees in the hive that consume collected pollen containing neonics have reduced reproduction rates, and population decline. For butterflies, the risks are similar. It is documented that Monarch larvae died within 7 days after feeding on leaves of milkweed that had been treated with the neonic imidacloprid per the label’s application instructions. For birds, they are exposed to this lethal pesticide when they consume the seeds from treated plants and when hummingbirds drink the nectar. Ladybugs and other beneficial insects are also killed by the exposure to neonics.

Neonics are designed to be a durable and long-lasting pesticide. They are water soluble which allows them to move through the soil during a rain event, making it possible to be absorbed beyond the area where they were applied, exposing wildflowers and other plants. Neonics make their way into the ground water and waterways.

Continued applications of neonics create a toxic environment to all insects, good or bad, directly weakening the ecosystem in your garden.

A less toxic approach to pest management – Alternatives to Neonics

Proper pest identification is key. If we can’t identify the pest then we won’t be able to correct the pest problem. Once we identify the pest, we want to understand it’s life cycle, perhaps we don’t have to take any action if the pest’s lifecycle is completed.  Get curious to see if there are any beneficial predators around that may be taking care of the pest for us. If we need to use a pesticide, then chose the least toxic possible.

For example, lawn grubs are combated by applying beneficial nematodes to the turf. Beneficial nematodes are non-toxic microscopic worm like organisms that feed on soil dwelling organisms. You can purchase beneficial nematodes at your local independent garden center.  Aphids are easily removed by wiping them off by hand or syringing them off with a spray bottle of water. Insecticidal Soap is the best choice if you are looking for an eco-friendly pesticide.

For more information on specific pests, less-toxic pest management, and how pesticides work, visit:

This article was authored by Suzanne Bontempo, of Plant Harmony and program manager of Our Water Our World, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA (www.rrwatershed.org) is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.


Creek Week 2021 – Ways to Get Involved with Protecting Our Creeks

September marks several dedicated efforts throughout California that signify the importance of clean water and promote cleanups of local waterways. Pollution Prevention Week, Creek Week, and California’s Coastal Cleanup Day all coincide in the third week of September to encourage public participation in keeping our water free of harmful pollutants, with a primary focus on removing trash from local waterways.

Each September cleanup event is organized to bring volunteers together to clean up trash and debris from beaches, rivers, and creeks, to educate the community on the importance of clean water, and to promote an overall appreciation of our environment, nature and being outside.

Make an impact by participating in Creek Week and Pollution Prevention Week. Here are some of the ways you can make a difference.

  • Join a hosted cleanup event or attend an educational webinar. For a list of events, visit rrwatershed.org/project/creek-week. Check regularly for updates.
  • Pick up litter and trash near your home, neighborhood, or local creek. Trash and litter in the environment can end up in our waterways either directly or through the storm drain system. When it rains, trash can enter the storm drain system, which moves water from paved areas to local waterways. By picking up trash you can help prevent trash from ending up in our local creeks, the Russian River, and the ocean. Even if you don’t live near the Russian River or the coast, your efforts will make a difference in protecting our water resource.
  • Start a compost bin. Need help getting started? Check out our RRWA article archive rrwatershed.org/composting-dont-throw-it-away-compost-it  or watch tutorials at https://zerowastesonoma.gov/recycle-dispose/residents/home-composting
  • Discontinue pesticide and herbicide use in your garden with safer alternatives. Our Water, Our World helps residents manage their home and garden pests in a way that helps protect our watershed. Learn more here rrwatershed.org/project/our-water-our-world
  • Dispose of unwanted household hazardous waste (HHW) responsibly. Check your local HHW Collection facility for events: Sonoma County  https://zerowastesonoma.gov/recycle-dispose/residents/hhw-collection-events Mendocino County https://mendorecycle.org.
  • Pick up pet waste.
  • Pick up leaf litter and yard waste to prevent it from clogging the storm drain.
  • When washing your car, don’t allow wash water to enter the storm drain.
  • Drop off unused and unwanted medications at a safe medicine disposal location. For location information visit rrwatershed.org/project/safe-medicine-disposal

Show us your impact! As a way to show your participation, log cleanup efforts using a trash collection app.  Some options are Litterati – The Global Team Cleaning the Planet and CleanSwell – A Global Movement to Keep Beaches, Waterways and the Ocean Trash Free. By entering the amount of trash collected and the location collected, you can help us record the success of Creek Week volunteers.

These are just some ideas how you can help protect the environment. For more information on these and other ideas visit the Russian River watershed website at www.rrwatershed.org. Remember, September signifies the designated month to promote the importance of our local rivers and creeks, but these ideas to protect the environment can be implemented all year long.

This article was authored by Colleen Hunt, for the City of Cotati, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.

Safe Medicine Disposal Program Update

How do you dispose of your old prescription and over the counter medicines? Not only are there environmental concerns associated with throwing medicine in the trash and flushing them down the toilet, letting them accumulate at home creates opportunities for those medicines to get into the wrong hands. For these reasons, the Russian River Watershed Association (RRWA) enacted the FREE Safe Medicine Disposal Program to safely take back and properly dispose of unwanted medicines.

The Safe Medicine Disposal Program is a partnership between local agencies, pharmacies, and law enforcement offices to safely dispose of unwanted medications, prevent overdoses, and protect the environment. Residents of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties can drop off their unwanted medications at free, discreet, and anonymous medicine take-back locations. These locations accept prescription and over-the- counter pills and capsules, liquid medications, veterinary medications, vitamins, supplements, homeopathic remedies, medical patches, inhalers, and medical samples. Since 2007, the Safe Medicine Disposal Program has collected over 142,100 pounds of unwanted medicines. For more information on the Safe Medicine Disposal Program locations, visit www.rrwatershed.org/project/safe-medicine-disposal.

In addition to the Safe Medicine Disposal Program, Sonoma and Mendocino County residents can use the following free medication disposal programs:

  • The California Drug Take-Back Program is funded by California Department of Health Care Services’ MAT Expansion Project and developed and administered in partnership with the California Product Stewardship Council. takebackdrugs.org
  • National Prescription Drug Take Back Days: Dispose of medications, including controlled substances, at special one-day collection events sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The next event is October 23, 2021 – 10AM to 2PM. deadiversion.usdoj.gov/drug_disposal/takeback

Syringes and needles (also known as sharps) have fewer drop-off locations due to safety and regulatory concerns and are not accepted at many of the Safe Medicine Disposal drop-off locations. State law makes it illegal to dispose of sharps in the trash or recycling containers and requires that all sharps waste be transported to a collection center in an FDA-approved sharps container. Please refer to the provided list of certified sharps and needles disposal locations within Sonoma County and Mendocino County to properly dispose of the collected sharps found at www.rrwatershed.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/How-to-Dispose-of-Sharps.pdf. Contact your local household hazardous waste facility, local law enforcement agency, public works, or parks department should you need further assistance disposing of sharps.

More sharps disposal information can be found on these websites:

More options for safe and convenient medication and sharps disposal will be available in 2022 with the implementation of the Senate Bill (SB) 212 (Jackson, Chapter 1004, Statutes of 2018). This law is an extended producer responsibility (EPR) law, requiring that pharmaceutical manufacturers manage their products’ waste at end-of-life. To comply with this law, pharmaceutical manufacturers and others in the product chain will design, manage and fund take-back programs to securely collect unwanted medicines and sharps waste from the public and ensure the collected materials are properly managed. More information can be found here: https://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/epr/pharmasharps. Stay tuned for updates from RRWA on this new statewide program.

This article was authored by the RRWA Safe Medicine Disposal Subcommittee – Operations Group, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.

Recycling Your Used Motor Oil and Filters Helps Our Watershed!

The Spring and Summer seasons bring us a display of colors and beautiful landscapes. Similarly, these months of hot weather invite us to make improvements in the house, to work in the garden, or in the case of many Do-It-Yourself Oil Changers and auto enthusiast, this is the perfect time to change the oil and filters in their cars. This is an important reminder that an oil change is not finished until the used oil and filters have been properly recycled.

Used motor oil is a hazardous waste that should never be discarded in trash, poured into storm drains, or dumped into the ground. If you do accidentally spill oil on the ground, stop and clean it up before it enters a storm drain. Because there is no treatment system inside the storm drains, everything that enters the storm drain system flows directly into our creeks and the watershed, including used motor oil. A single gallon of used motor oil can contaminate one million gallons of water creating health risks and generating environmental impacts that can affect our entire community. In addition, it is illegal to pour used oil on the ground and you may receive some fines by discarding it incorrectly.

Recycling used motor oil and filters is the only safe way to discard it. It is also easy, convenient, and free. Oil and filters can be recycled at collection centers in Sonoma County, it can be collected on the curb and can also be collected at the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. Choose the option that is the most convenient for you!

Recycle Your Used Motor Oil and Filters at a Collection Center

Collection centers are local companies that accept used motor oil and filters during their customer service hours. There are nearly 50 collection centers in Sonoma County, and they accept the used oil and filters for free. Some sites even offer a 40-cent rebate per gallon of used motor oil collected. These sites typically accept up to 5 gallons of used oil and two filters per visit. Collection centers in Sonoma County can be found by visiting ZeroWasteSonoma.gov and you can visit CalRecycle’s website (www2.calrecycle.ca.gov/UsedOil/CertifiedCenters) to find locations in Mendocino County.

It is important to remember never to mix the used motor oil with any other material (including water, solvents, or gasoline). These sites will not accept contaminated oil, which causes their used motor oil to become non-recyclable, and it is very costly to clean contaminated tanks.

Take Advantage of the Curbside Used Motor Oil and Filters Recycling Program

This option is only available for single-family homes; apartment complexes do not have this service. Curbside used motor oil and filter recycling is available in all cities and in the unincorporated areas of Sonoma County. You are encouraged to call your local hauler for details and to order this service. Town of Windsor residents can call Sonoma County Resource Recovery at (707) 795‑7470 to get more information. Recology Sonoma-Marin garbage collection provides curbside collection to the rest of the County and unincorporated areas, and they can be contacted at (800) 243‑0291.

When you are ready to recycle your used motor oil and filters using the curbside used motor oil recycling option, pour the used oil inside the container provided by your collection company, and put the drained filter in a Ziplock plastic bag. Then, place the oil container and the filter next to the recycling bin the day of your weekly collection. The hauler that serves your area will collect the used motor oil and filter and will leave you an empty container for you to use for the next oil change.

Recycle Your Used Motor Oil and Filters at the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Programs

Zero Waste Sonoma’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (zerowastesonoma.gov/recycle-dispose/residents/household-hazardous-waste-facility) is conveniently located at 500 Mecham Road in Petaluma for Sonoma County residents. This site accepts up to 15 gallons of used motor oil per visit and also accepts the filters. This is the only place that can accept contaminated used motor oil, but you should inform the staff when you arrive. Apart from accepting used motor oil and filters, the HHW Facility also accepts other hazardous wastes including fluorescent lamps, paints, solvents, paint thinners, adhesives, pesticides, batteries, and other engine fluids to name a few The facility is open Thursday-Saturday 7:30am-2:30pm for free drop off from Sonoma County residents. Zero Waste Sonoma also provides free HHW Collection Events every Tuesday evening at a different location across Sonoma County and offers an HHW Rover pick-up program for a small fee (https://zerowastesonoma.gov/recycle-dispose/residents/hhw-collection-events).

Similar programs are offered to Mendocino County residents by MendoRecycle.org. Residents can bring used motor oil and filters to their Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 3200 Taylor Drive in Ukiah and they also provide frequent HazMobile HHW events throughout the county.

If you are one of those Do-It-Yourself oil changers that will be working on the car this summer, please remember that the oil change is not complete until the used motor oil and filters have been recycled. No matter what part of the county you live in, there are convenient and free used motor oil and filter recycling options near you. Visit www.zerowastesonoma.gov, www.mendorecycle.org, or call Zero Waste Sonoma’s Eco-Desk at 707-565-3375 for more information.


This article was authored by Soluna Outreach Services and Zero Waste Sonoma on behalf of the RRWA. RRWA (www.rrwatershed.org) is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, fisheries restoration, and watershed enhancement.

Eight Water Conservation Tips and Tricks

On average, each Californian uses about 85 gallons of water every day, but it depends on the season. In winter months, it’s as low as 60 gallons per day and in summer months, it’s as high as 110 gallons per day. That’s between 12 and 22 of those 5‑gallon water cooler jugs, every day for every person! About a quarter of that water literally gets flushed down the toilet. More than half comes from faucets, showers, and appliances.

Efficient water use is always important, but it’s imperative right now. The drought will pass, and rain will come again, but right now, in this moment, we have a civic duty to do what we can to help. Our local rivers, water suppliers, and various sources of fire protection water need each of us to do our parts to make sure there’s enough of this valuable resource to go around. There are countless ways to easily save water and save money while doing it. Here are some water conservation tips and tricks.

  • Look for and fix leaks. Dripping faucets and worn toilet flappers are common types of leaks found in the home:
    • Check your water meter, wait a few hours without using any water, and check your meter again. If your meter changes, you probably have a leak. Be careful lifting the lid to your meter, as wires can be connected from the lid to the meter that are expensive to replace. Information about your water meter can be found at http://www.rrwatershed.org/maximize-outdoor-water-use.
    • To find a leak in your toilet, place a few drops of food coloring in the tank and wait 10 minutes. If color shows up in the bowl, you have a leak.
    • Examine pipes and valves under your sinks to check for moisture.
    • Check your irrigation system regularly to look for leaks and make repairs promptly.
    • Don’t forget your
    • garden hose. If it leaks at the spigot, replace the hose washer and ensure a tight connection with pipe tape and a wrench.

Fixing household leaks can save you about 10 percent on your water bill. While you’re at it, see if you can find a leak at work and report it to maintenance staff. If you see an irrigation leak around town, report it to the local utility.

  • Fix the flush. In general, the older your toilet is the more water it uses. Toilets built before 1982 use 5 to 7 gallons per flush. Toilets built between 1982 and 1993 use about 3.5 gallons per flush. Newer toilets use 1.6 gallons of water or less. For the average flusher with an old commode, that’s a savings of about 20gallons per day or 600 gallons per month per person! Look inside the tank of your toilet for a date stamp either on the inside of the tank near the top or on the underside of the tank’s top. Try flushing less. “If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.” Never use a toilet as a garbage can.
  • Take shorter showers, or fewer showers. You probably aren’t THAT dirty anyway. Challenge yourself to take a 5-minute shower. Replace your showerhead. There are many low-flow options out there for just a few bucks. The average family could save 2,700 gallons per year by installing more efficient showerheads. Hot water savings reduce demands on water heaters, saving energy dollars too!
  • Save water at the faucet. Replacing faucets with low flow options can reduce water use by as much as 30 percent or more without sacrificing performance. Not ready to replace a faucet? Try adding a low flow faucet aerator. They’re small, inexpensive, easy to install and can reduce faucet flows to 1.5 gallons per minute. A family can save about 700 gallons of water per year by installing an aerator. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth, wash your hands and shave. Use a machine dishwasher if you have one and avoid pre-rinsing dishes. Machine washing generally uses less water, energy, soap, and time. If you must manually wash dishes, always use a basin to soak and scrub dishes and be quick with rinsing. Try not filling up the basin. Rinse out recyclables in the dishwasher, with dirty dishwater or wipe them clean with a gently used napkin. Reducing demands on hot water saves energy too. If you’re in the market for a new appliance, toilet, faucet, showerhead, or faucet aerator look for the WaterSense label. This is a distinction earned by meeting EPA water efficiency criteria without compromising the quality of your fixture experience.
  • While you wait for water from your bathtub and sinks to warm up, try catching it in containers like milk jugs or buckets. Use the water you collect to water plants and make coffee. You can also use it to flush the toilet by dumping water into the bowl with one quick pour into the bowl to create a strong flush.
  • Generate less laundry by wearing clothing multiple times if they’re not dirty and reuse your bath/shower towel for an entire week. Only run appliances when you have a full load for washing. Try air drying dishes instead of using a dishtowel.
  • Let your lawn go brown. Or even better, explore alternative landscaping and irrigation options like rock gardens, native and drought tolerant plants, rainwater harvesting and other long-term options. Add 2” -3” of mulch to help retain soil moisture. If you must irrigate, do it at night or in the early morning to minimize evaporation. Make sure you have a garden hose nozzle with an auto-off lever so you can target plants and avoid spraying everywhere. Landscaping should survive, not thrive in a drought. Use a broom or blower to clean surfaces instead of hosing them off.
  • Don’t wash your car. If you can’t stand a dirty ride, wash your car at a commercial carwash. Many facilities recycle their wash water, but even if they don’t, car washing equipment is much more water efficient than your garden hose. Avoid washing your car at home.

To take a Home Water Use Survey and find drought information or more water conservation ideas, check out the Russian River Watershed Association’s drought page at http://www.rrwatershed.org/project/2021-drought-updates-and-information and Resource Library at http://www.rrwatershed.org/resource-library.

Thank you for being part of the solution!

This article was authored by Vanessa Apodaca, of (West Yost Associates), on behalf of RRWA. RRWA is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.

Keep Our Cars and Our River Clean

Clean Car, Dirty Creek

Common sense tells us that you can’t get something clean without getting something else dirty. Depending on how you wash your car, you may be trading a clean car for a dirty creek. The dirt, oil and grease that flows off your fresh clean car often flows into the street, storm drains and then into our creeks. This water does not get treated at the local sewage treatment plant. When we wash our cars in our driveways, the dirt, oil and grease from our cars hitch a ride with the water and soap and flow into street gutters. Eventually, all those pollutants reach the Russian River.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

The Power of One, Multiplied

If you’re thinking that washing your car couldn’t possibly hurt the fish in our waterways by itself, you’re probably right. But with the nice weather, you won’t be the only one making your ride gleam; lots of neighbors will be washing their cars too. All the dirt, oil, grease and soap will collect in the storm drains and wait for the next rainstorm. These pollutants do not evaporate, so they can collect all Summer long. When Winter returns, an entire Summer’s worth of pollution is flushed into our creeks and the Russian River all at once.

Take a BreakThe good news is that there are things you can do to reduce the environmental impact of washing your car. If you hand wash at home, try washing your car on an unpaved part of your yard and let your landscaping clean the wash water for you. When you wash your car on your lawn or other unpaved area, the pollutants you rinse off your car will saturate into the soil. The soil, gravel, and vegetation act as filters for the soap and grime.

The easiest way to wash your car is also the most environmentally friendly; have your car washed at a professional car washing facility. Most professional car wash facilities collect and re-use their rinse water. When done, they then discharge their dirty water to the sanitary sewer where it gets treated. Professional car washes also reduce water usage and support local jobs. You can take a break from washing your car and give our creeks a break too. A list of the “greenest” car washes in Sonoma County is available here: http://www.savingwaterpartnership.org/carwash

Fundraiser Car Washes

A community car wash is a traditional way to earn money for scouts, schools, or sports programs. Unfortunately, it also concentrates a lot of dirt, oil and grease in one location and then puts it all into storm drains (and eventually creeks) at once. If you are a planning a community car wash on a paved area, plan to block the storm drains receiving the rinse water and pump the accumulated rinse water into a sanitary sewer inlet, or direct the water to a landscaped area where it can soak in. Before planning a fundraising car wash, please call your local municipality for the latest requirements and guidelines.

With a little effort, we can each keep our cars gleaming while protecting our creeks. Clean cars don’t have to mean dirty creeks.

This article was authored by Eric Janzen of the City of Cloverdale, on behalf of RRWA. RRWA (www.rrwatershed.org) is an association of local public agencies in the Russian River Watershed that have come together to coordinate regional programs for clean water, habitat restoration, and watershed enhancement.


Earth Day 2021 – List of Events

The COVID-19 pandemic will affect most events. Please check with the organizer or this blog regularly. Any updates will be posted as soon as they are available.

Santa Rosa Earth Day

  • April 22 from 11 am-2 pm Place to Play Community Park in Santa Rosa. To prevent the spread of COID-19, this is a drive-thru only event. Participants must remain in vehicle at all times. Masks are required.
    • Drive-thru to pick-up your FREE KID’S ECO-EXPLORATION GUIDE and/or WATERSMART TOOLKIT. The FREE Kid’s Eco-Exploration Guides will be filled with fun eco-friendly activities, reusable items, and so much more! For adults, we will be giving away FREE WaterSmart Toolkits that include flow bag’s, dye tabs, and additional water-saving resources.Drive-thru, pop your trunk, and be on your way – it’s that easy to celebrate Earth Day with us!
    • Check back Monday, April 19 for more information!Can’t make it to the Earth Day? Celebrate with us virtually beginning Monday April, 19 here at srcity.org/EarthDay. Our website will be filled with fun and engaging eco-friendly activities for all ages. Be sure to check back for more details!

Sonoma County Regional Parks’ Earth Day Creek Clean-Up — Celebrate ‘Love Your Mother—Clean your Creek’

  • April 24 from 9 am to 11 am In honor of Earth Day, let’s show Mother Earth some pampering. Sonoma Creek, which provides critical wildlife habitat and an important wildlife corridor, runs right through Maxwell and Larson parks. Help us preserve the value of this riparian habitat for fish and other resident and migrating wildlife by removing litter and other debris. Registration is required for this volunteer event. For more information, contact John Ryan by email at John.Ryan@sonoma-county.org
    • Larson Park
    • Maxwell Farms Regional Park

Ukiah Earth Day Community Clean-up

  • April 24 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm  Family-friendly community clean-up ( ages 8 and up). Meet at Railroad Depot, 247 E. Perkins St., Ukiah. To RSVP, please contact Sonja Burgal at sburgal@ncoinc.org
    • Trash bags and gloves provided.
    • Graffiti removal
    • Painting projects
    • Bike ride at 1:30 pm

Windsor Earth-Day Clean-Up

  • April 19-22 Earth Day Trash Clean-up! Volunteers can organize their own neighborhood clean-up, supported by the Town of Windsor. Trash collection bags and gloves will be provided for pickup at the Public Works Department (8400 Windsor Road, outside Building 400).
  • April 24 from 9 am to 11 am Trash Clean-up! Meet at the corner of MacFarlane Way and Victory Lane. Collection bags provided. Pandemic safety measures enforced. Fille bags will be picked up on April 24 once participants notify Town Staff of the street intersection where bags are left.
  • Instagram Photo Contest! A free Russian River Watershed “Ours to Protect” t-shirt will be given to the three participants who share the best photos of the event @town_of_windsor_ca #TownofWindsorCleanup2021
    Photos must be posted by noon on April 24th.

For more information, contact the Storm Water Program staff at the Town of Windsor Public Works Department (707) 838-5385 or stormwater@townofwindsor.com